WEBLOAD is an enterprise-scale load testing solution capable of generating reliable, real life load scenarios, even for the most complex systems, with smart analytics providing performance insights.
WEBLOAD is based on a flexible platform with built in support for hundreds of technologies and integration with many tools from CI/CD pipelines to monitoring.
WEBLOAD Features:
WEBLOAD is offered on the Cloud (SAAS) or as an On-Prem deployment
Flexible test scenario creation
Smart Scripting based native JavaScript with Powerful correlation, parametrization and validation engines
Supports every major web technology and easily extendible
Automatic bottleneck detection
Easy-to-reach customer support
Build powerful website load tests
WebLOAD automatically records your actions, offering support for a range of web technologies, such as HTTP/HTTPS (SSL,TLS), WebSocket, PUSH, AJAX, SOAP, HTML5, WebDAV and others.
Your actions are translated to a load scenario in JavaScript, letting you make any enhancements needed. WebLOADs offers built-in load testing objects and methods that offer HTTP functionality, load methods, DOM functionality, automatic correlation and more.
Generate massive load
Load your system with thousands of concurrent virtual users – using on premises machines or Amazon Web Services. WebLOAD manages the entire scenario and collects metrics from all machines.
You can define specific performance goals for your website, such as a 2 second response time for a transaction. WebLOAD runs the scenario around your goal, gradually increasing the user load till your goal is met.
Understand how your website behaves under load
More than 80 configurable reports let you analyze, drill down and fully understand how your web server, databases and other components behave under load. Evaluate response times, understand data throughput and identify network vs. server-side issues.
Technologies Supported
Web Protocols & Technologies
RESTful Web Services
WebDAV (Web distributed authoring and versioning)
Java serialization over HTTP
Push technologies (streaming, polling, long polling, async requests, reverse ajax, commet, server sent events)