CA is recognized for being versatile in its offerings and being able to meet the needs of its customers. It has done no less with its CA APM solution as well. With End-User Experience, CA APM Team Center Dashboards, and Companion Software CA can provide as deep of insights as any other of APM solutions out there.
- Languages: .Net, Java, PHP, Node.js, Docker Containers, Cloud Foundry, AWS
- Team Center provides a good dashboard for quickly navigating the details you to dig into the issues.
- Automatic transaction traces and a unified end-user view into transactions, including mobile app and synthetic or web-based applications.
- APM agents that get value in minutes from being deployed.
Monitoring Guide – CA APM
Monitor Performance Using Experience View
Application Performance Management lets you understand the geography of your application environment, which is vital for effective monitoring and problem solving. Application Performance Management provides an overview of an application environment.
The following roles use the Experience View:
- Administrators see the health state of the environment.
- Level One Analysts monitor problems and warnings in the environment with the Experience View.
- Experienced analysts investigate and resolve problems with Analysis Notebook, Dashboard, and Map.
Understand the Frontend as an ExperienceThe Experience is the leftmost component of the transaction, the first monitored component of the whole transaction. The experience node is the first monitored frontend component and contains an attribute that is called Experience. The experience node is the beginning of the transaction path. An experience can be, for example, a servlet or a generic frontend. The experience node replaces the automatic entry point solution that had limitations, such as application-based granularity and application entry points data from mixed environments (for example, pre-production and production). The experience node resolves these limitations.Experience ViewExperience View lets you:
- Filter out the nonproblematic parts of the environment to focus on the issues.
- Drill down to lower levels of the Experience View to see sections of the environment in greater detail. Experience Cards show the status of all components for which you are responsible and highlight the experiences under load. Assisted Triage identifies the most likely problem areas and shows results in the Assisted Triage panel.
Transaction Types in the Experience View:
- Healthy transactions – Responses per Interval metric values when the corresponding experience node has no alert in caution or danger state
- Stall transactions – Stalls metric values of the experience node
- Error transactions – Errors per interval metric values of the experience node
- Slow transactions – Responses per Interval metric value when the corresponding experience node has an alert in caution or danger state on Average Response Time metric, or on a differential analysis metric
- Alerted transactions – Responses per Interval metric value when the corresponding experience node has no alert in caution or danger state on a metric other than Slow transactions
Use the following graphic and corresponding legend to understand the various features in the Experience View.

The following legend identifies each map item by number and provides more information:
Number | Name | More Information |
1 | Return to the top-level view | |
2 | Breadcrumb navigation | |
3 | Time range | In Live Mode, select time increments up to 24 hours to view events over that period.Note: The selected time range saves when you exit Experience View. This time range reappears when you open Experience View. |
4 | Timeline Mode (Historical or Live) | The Timeline lets you move from the Live mode to Historical mode to see which status events occurred historically. You can select a Custom range up to 31 days to view Experience and Experience Card events for those ranges historically. The Custom range up to 31 days is only available in Experience View. |
5 | Expand or collapse the timeline | |
6 | Go to Map | |
7 | Online help link | |
8 | Health Score | The Health Score shows the overall health score of the environment. The number shows a percentage of healthy transactions out of the total number of transactions. The score shows the volume of healthy and poor transactions. Poor transaction volume is a sum of all non-healthy transactions (slow, error, alerted, stalled). |
9 | Poor transactions | Poor transactions are the sum of slow and failed transactions:Slow transactions are transactions that breached the Average Response Time alert threshold.Failed transactions are transactions that triggered an alert or returned an exception. Failed transactions are a sum of Errors Per Interval (for the selected time range, for example, the last 24 hours) and Responses Per Interval at the time the experience has a CAUTION or DANGER state alert. |
10 | Total number of transactions | |
11 | Return to the previous level | |
12 | Perspective | A perspective logically groups components, and is based on their shared attributes. |
13 | Sort by | Name, My Order, Transactions Volume, Transactions Health, Experience Status, Error Count, Slow Count |
14 | Aggregated response time histogram | The histogram shows the average response time per seconds for healthy and poor transactions.1sNumber of healthy transactions that are completed in less than 1 second.2sNumber of healthy transactions that are completed from 1 through 2 seconds.2s+Number of healthy transactions that are completed in more than 2 seconds.SlowNumber of stalled and slow transactions. Transactions that breached the Average Response Time alert threshold.ErrorErrors per interval metric values for the experience node.Red indicates the number of alerted transactions that are completed. |
15 | Experience Card | Experience Cards show summary information and identify the problem and the problem origin. Cards are defined based on a universe. The maximum number is one universe within a card. |
16 | Open the Analysis Notebook | The Analysis Notebook displays the business transactions for a specific Experience Card. The business transaction count is visible next to the Analysis Notebook icon.Note: By default, you cannot open the Analysis Notebook if the Experience Card contains more than 20 business transactions. |
17 | Toggle graphs (Aggregated response time, Average response time, Transaction volume) | |
18 | Culprit | Problems and anomalies are grouped by a possible culprit, which is the component that is suspected of creating the problem. The culprit application name is the name of the application on which the possible culprit appears. |
19 | Expand an Experience Card | Click the active area to expand the Experience Card and see more information. |
20 | Alert status | Alert status reflects the status of the monitored software component, business transaction, and their aggregated groups.Green indicates normal – Values do not exceed the caution threshold.Yellow indicates Caution – Values exceed the caution threshold.Red indicates Danger – Values exceed the danger threshold. |
21 | Time series data (average response time graph, Transaction volume histogram) | Time series data provide the overview of metrics or a particular problematic time range. You are not limited to only events guidance. Hover over a peak in the metric behavior in the graph to select and zoom into a problematic time range.The responses per interval and errors per interval metrics are collected every 15 seconds.Average response time graphBlue line indicates the actual average response time.Dotted line indicates a prediction of the average response time.Shaded areas indicate a deviation. If the prediction value is outside the deviation range, something unusual is happening.Note: The different shades of blue indicate how normal the response time is based on historical data. The closer the response time is to predicted, the darker the blue color. Response times that are significantly outside of normal will not be within any blue area.Transaction volume histogramDivides the time range into 12 sections and compares the transaction volume within your selected time range. |
22 | Assisted Triage panel with Problems and Anomalies | A problem indicates a situation where one or more components in related transactions triggered alerts. Events like stalls, errors, and other evidences negatively impacted the transactions.An anomaly indicates a situation where one or more components in related transactions has triggered alerts. Events like stalls and errors were noticed but did not impact transaction performance. |
23 | Collapse or expand the Assisted Triage panel | |
24 | Completed error transactions | A red section in the histogram indicates the number of completed transactions with at least 1 alert on the experience node. |
Monitor Performance Using the Experience ViewThe Experience View lets you monitor the performance of your environment from the highest level of your universe. You can drill down to specific transactions for fault finding. Follow these steps:
- Click an Experience Card.The aggregated data for groups of related business transactions that are available in your universe appear. You can add cards, configure, and reorder the cards.
- Click the chart to cycle through the metrics charts.
- View the Health Score.The Health Score shows the overall health score of the environment. The number shows a percentage of healthy transactions out of the total number of transactions. For example, the health score of the environment that you monitor is 85. This score means that 85 percent of the transactions that you monitor are healthy. The remaining 15 percent are poor transactions. Poor transactions are the sum of slow and failed transactions.
- Expand a card.More details appear in the Assisted Triage panel. The Assisted Triage panel is a pull-out from the right and shows where problems and anomalies are occurring. The Assisted Triage engine identifies common components of a problem so that you are not flooded with issues. The Assisted Triage panel is visible in Experience View except for the top-level page.
- Expand the story.More details appear. The panel also shows suspect nodes, highlighted by the Assisted Triage engine as other possible contributors to the situation.
- Expand Problems and Anomalies.More details appear.
- Click the headline of the chart and drill down to the next level of grouping.
- Click the notebook icon.The Analysis Notebook for the group of components opens.