AppDynamics RUM (Real User Monitoring)

Get accurate browser-user insights to optimize web experiences – AppDynamics RUM (Real User Monitoring)

  • Avoid guesswork and optimize your web app based on large volumes of multi-dimensional usage data that includes user response time, first byte time, DOM ready time, device type and browser type
  • Understand the distribution of your users by browser type, version, device and geographical location to optimize accordingly
  • View user sessions based on user context for visibility into every customer journey and usage to improve customer experiences
AppDynamics RUM - Browser Compatibility

Drill down into individual user experience to respond quickly and resolve web app/site performance issues

  • Improve user acquisition and retention by proactively identifying, troubleshooting and resolving website performance and user experience issues
  • Get detailed page-load, AJAX, iFrame, and associated business transactions with real-time user behavior, network, page rendering, and detailed resource waterfalls with load time analysis
  • Understand the contribution of each page/SPA view’s performance to the user journey through the entire user session for each interaction with the website
  • See the virtual page performance of each screen view of Single Page Applications (SPAs) with automatic detection of Angular.js and a Manual API for other SPA frameworks
AppDynamics RUM - Extrares

Track user sessions in real-time to understand and improve the business impact of browser performance on your KPIs

  • Improve customer service and reduce MTTR with detailed session analytics for each customer journey
  • Increase conversions and reduce bounce rates by understanding the customer flow through the pages of the web application/site
  • View all business transactions and their performance involved in each customer visit and how they contribute to the business outcome and the effect on KPIs
AppDynamics RUM - Business Transactions

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